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Month: March 2017

Ways to Celebrate Earth Day in the Classroom

March 29, 2017

In 1970, Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day. What began as a day dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues soon became a global movement, aimed at building a sustainable and prosperous environment for future generations. So what better way to celebrate the day than with the people it was intended to benefit? This Earth Day,…

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10 Facts About Pencils in Honor of Pencil Day!

March 29, 2017

Even in today’s increasingly technological world, we still use pencils all the time. So it’s hard to believe that there was ever once a time before pencils – but of course, there was. On March 30th, 1858, Hymen Lipman was granted a patent for an eraser-topped pencil. I’m sure it will come as no surprise…

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Most Eco-Friendly Colleges in the U.s.

March 23, 2017

In 2005, the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) was established to “help coordinate and strengthen campus sustainability efforts at regional and national levels, and to serve as the first North American professional association for those interested in advancing campus sustainability.” Through their Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS), the AASHE has determined…

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4 Modern Books to Teach in High School

March 23, 2017

For years, high schools have taught the classics like To Kill A Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Animal Farm, and The Scarlet Letter. While we certainly have nothing against these amazing literary works, there are also plenty of recently published books that are perfect for young adults to explore. If you’re looking to switch up this…

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What’s the Difference Between a Charter and Public School?

March 23, 2017

Every parent wants the best possible education for their child, especially as they move into secondary or high school. Unlike years ago, parents now have so many more options to choose from when it comes to their children’s schooling. One of the main choices parents face is whether to enroll their kids in a public…

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Tips for Classroom Spring Cleaning

March 15, 2017

While it may not seem like it (thanks to winter storm Stella), spring is just a few days away! If your classroom has been closed up for months, take the next couple of days to start spring cleaning. Here are a few ways you can get your classroom ready for the warmer weather while remaining…

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Tips for a Great Spring Concert

March 7, 2017

Spring concert season has finally begun! Your students have been busy practicing all year, and the time is finally here for them to show off what they’ve learned. Whether you’re prepping for a choir, band, or orchestra concert, here are a few last minute tips to make sure everything goes smoothly.   Prioritize During Your…

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Ways to Celebrate Pi Day

March 7, 2017

No, it’s not “Pie Day,” it’s “Pi Day!” Each year on March 14th (also known as 3/14), we celebrate one of math’s most perplexing and interesting numbers – 3.14 (also known as pi). For decades, pi has fascinated mathematicians because the digits to the right of the decimal point go on forever, with no discernible pattern. Whether…

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