Furniture • Equipment • Design • Service
11 Moffitt Boulevard
Bay Shore, NY 11706
Office: (631) 666-0200
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Month: March 2014

Tips for Selecting Office Furniture

March 28, 2014

Whether you’re moving into a new office or redesigning your current one, it’s important to use your space efficiently in order to maximize productivity. When you’re shopping for office furniture, you’re more than likely to come across a variety of options, but how can you be sure which set up is right for you? To…

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Healthy Schools, Healthy Hearts

March 25, 2014

In honor of National Nutrition Month, it’s crucial to understand just how important it is for schools to provide great tasting, nutritious meals to their students. According to Let’s Move!, many children consume at least half of their meals in school. In fact, the food served in schools might be the only foods children eat…

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Guide To Putting On A Spring Concert

March 21, 2014

Now that spring is officially here, it’s time to start planning your school’s spring activities! If your school offers orchestra, band and/or chorus to students, then you’re probably beginning to prepare for your annual spring concert. We know putting on a great show can be overwhelming; there’s a lot that needs to be done before…

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The Importance of Physical Education

March 18, 2014

While it is not one of the core subjects such as math, language arts, science or social studies, physical education is an essential part of the education curriculum for children in kindergarten through twelfth grade. In fact, many colleges even require students to complete a certain amount of gym credits in order to be eligible…

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Preparing For Spring Sports

March 14, 2014

Although the weather forecast says otherwise, spring is right around the corner and you know what that means – it’s time to prepare for spring sports! For spring athletes this is the greatest time of year, and as coaches, parents and administrators, it’s important to make sure your schools are ready to support the needs…

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Let Learning Take You Somewhere New: Technology In The Classroom

March 13, 2014

In an age where our fingers are constantly sliding across the latest cell phone or tablet, it’s no surprise that teachers are beginning to incorporate various aspects of media into their classroom. In fact, a report by CompIT explains that 78% of K-12 teachers and administrators say that using technology highly benefits students during their…

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Office Furniture: Going Mobile…WOW

March 7, 2014

Are you starting a business…organizing an office…relocating your business? Office furniture in general and workstations in particular can be complex and labor intensive to specify and set up, requiring extensive installation costs to re-arrange and move. This renders everyday work spaces inflexible and, in some cases, entirely immobile, making it a tedious and possibly impossible…

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Celebrate Reading All Month Long: National Reading Month

March 4, 2014

Any teacher would tell you reading is a part of their daily lesson plans all year long, however, March’s designation as National Reading Month gives teachers and students alike new opportunities to explore reading in a whole new way. Every year, March is dedicated to celebrating the act of reading and attempts to motivate students…

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