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Month: April 2015

Summer Classroom Makeover – Part 2

April 29, 2015

Welcome back for the second installment in our two-part extreme classroom makeover blog series! In our previous post we outlined the first five steps you should take when embarking on your summer redesign journey. So, you’ve re-imagined the possibilities and come up with a fresh new functional layout. You’ve given the whole space a good…

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Summer Classroom Makeover – Part 1

April 27, 2015

Many times when families decide to do a large-scale home renovation they temporary move out while the work is being completed.  What better time to execute a classroom makeover than during the summer, while your students have “moved out” for the time-being? This week we’ve brought you the first installment of our two-part blog series,…

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Take your Gym Class Outdoors – Safely!

April 23, 2015

Sunny school days are on the horizon!  With the warm weather comes the opportunity to break outside of the gymnasium and explore the great outdoors.  Taking your class outside for gym is a great way to get their athletic juices flowing, and opens the door for so many new activities.  However, your new outdoor environment…

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Graduation rates on the rise means more folks on the risers!

April 21, 2015

Did you know that the national graduation rate hit a record high of 81 percent for the graduating class of 2013? According to a recent article from U.S. News, John Gomperts, president and CEO of America’s Promise Alliance, said “increases in the last decade have led to nearly 2 million additional students earning high school…

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Tips To Control Allergies In School

April 16, 2015

The sun is shining and temperatures are rising – what could possibly go wrong during the spring? Although being able to open the windows and spend time outdoors seems like a positive after being stuck inside all winter, one mustn’t forget about what spring also means…allergies! During the last few months of the school year,…

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Ways To Celebrate School Library Month

April 15, 2015

Did you know that April is School Library Month? Better yet, this week is also National Library Week! Developed by the American Association of School Librarians and the American Library Association respectively, these observances celebrate libraries, librarians and the value they provide to individuals of all ages. To honor these observances in your school, we encourage…

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School Playground Safety Reminders

April 13, 2015

If there is one thing that students look forward to most about the last few months of the school year other than summer being on its way, it’s likely the fact that outdoor recess can resume. After months of having to stay indoors for the entirety of the school day, any chance they can get…

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Three Ways To Go Green In Schools

April 9, 2015

The push to go green certainly isn’t a new initiative by any means, but it is one that continues to gain popularity year after year – is action being taken in your school? Regardless of whether or not eco-friendly practices are being implemented yet, April is the perfect month to either get started or amp…

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