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Summer Science Projects For Kids

July 5, 2016

While summer break is lots of fun, without planned activities, the days can be long for your little ones. Encourage out-of-school learning with the most fun subject of all–science! Integrating science into your daily summer routine is easier than you think, because science is all around us. Almost every activity has a scientific angle and can be made into something educational and exciting. Keep your kids busy with these cool summer science project ideas:

Explore Outdoors: Overturning rocks after a rainstorm, watching caterpillars become butterflies and making giant bubbles with your kids are great activities to keep your kids busy this summer and teach them a little bit about why & how these events occur.

Meet Them In The Kitchen: The best room in the house for science projects is undoubtedly the kitchen! Show your kids what happens when you mix two ingredients together! Or why marshmallows grow over 4x their size in the microwave! One great experiment is to put food coloring in the water of vase holding white carnations, and see what happens! Will the carnations change color? Or will they stay the same? You’ll find out! Practice these experiments and then ask your children why they think that happened.

Grow Something: Share some science knowledge with your kids by planting flowers, herbs or vegetables. They’ll be excited to watch as their garden unfolds and you can teaching them about the different phases of growing to go along with it!

Enjoy The Night: A clear summer night brings out all of the stars! Take advantage of that time by exploring the night sky with your children. Locate different constellations and teach your kids about the planets. If there are fireflies or lightning bugs in the area, you can catch them and learn about them too! Being scientific doesn’t have to be expensive!

Your most innovative ideas might turn out to be the most memorable and rewarding moments of the summer. Incorporating science activities into your summer benefits your children and your family. What summer science projects will you try with your kids this break? Let us know on our Facebook page!

Looking for some new science or laboratory casework for your school? Let Nickerson Corporation help! Did you know that the right science furniture plays an essential role in a student’s hands-on learning experience.  We are able to provide customized labs, science classrooms and prep rooms to fit any school’s need.  Our products are made from the most resilient materials able to withstand multiple science experiments and cleanups without losing its luster. To learn more about the products that we offer, give us a call at 631-666-0200.