September 5, 2014
Are you a provider of pre-kindergarten services for young children and their families? On August 18, Governor Cuomo announced that $340 million in funding will be dispersed to 81 school districts and Community Based Organizations statewide in an effort to provide full-day pre-k services to approximately 37,000 children. The funding, which was built into the 2014-2015 State Budget, exemplifies the state’s dedication and commitment to invest $1.5 billion to build a Statewide Universal Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten program. Over the next five years, the state plans to continue building their funding in order to officially launch this new educational program.
According to a press release from the governor’s office, this investment has put New York on a path towards becoming the fourth state to offer universal full-day pre-k. By providing new grants to local pre-k providers and other community based organizations, children who were previously without pre-k services will now be able to receive the attention and education they need to be successful in their future. In fact, studies show that children who participate in quality early education programs are far more likely to read at grade level and graduate from high school as compared to those that are left without early education services.
In addition to creating new full-day pre-k placements, part of this funding will also go towards converting current half-day placements into full-day placements that meet the new program’s requirements. To maintain certain standards, each institution that receives funding will be required to demonstrate that they meet program standards and provide high quality early education to those that enroll.
Have you received funding for your pre-k program through this new grant? To learn more about the new program requirements or for more details on the state’s funding, click here.
At Nickerson Corporation, we supply quality classroom furniture for your pre-k classrooms that can help enhance your students’ educational experience. We provide fun, innovative products to early childhood schools and institutions across New York and New Jersey to help them create a safe yet exciting environment for all. For more information on our early childhood products or how we can help, contact us at (631) 666-0200 today!