April 7, 2017
It’s the day every parent dreams of and fears all at the same time — the day their little one starts school. Sure it means you now get a few extra hours to yourself, or get to go back to work, but it also means your baby isn’t a baby anymore and will be away from you for the first time. Though it can be nerve-wracking, sending your child to preschool offers numerous opportunities that they can’t always get at home. Here are just a few of the ways your child can benefit from a preschool education.
Preschool promotes social growth
Sure you schedule a playdate every once in awhile for your children, but for the most part, your little ones spend their earliest years at home with you. Enrolling your children in preschool gives them the opportunity to gain independence, build trust with people outside of their family, and learn how to share.
Preschool is structured (even if it doesn’t seem like it)
If you’ve ever walked into a preschool classroom, it probably looked and sounded pretty hectic. But preschool is actually very structured, with set times for eating, sleeping, and playing. This lets kids learn the importance of a routine and schedule.
Children get to make their own decisions
With a surplus of suddenly new toys to play with and friends to talk to, kids now get to decide for themselves what they want to do and how they spend their time.
It promotes language development
The more your child is surrounded by language, the quicker their vocabulary grows. Studies have shown that children who attend preschool grow their vocabulary from 900 to 2,500 words between the ages of 3 and 5.
At Nickerson, we know the importance of choosing the correct classroom furniture for preschool age children. In a room full of young children, additional safety measures – such as rounded corners and stable furniture that won’t tip over – are necessary. Throughout New York and New Jersey, Nickerson Corp. assists early childhood schools and institutions allowing them to create safe learning environments with fun, innovative furniture.