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Reflect and Improve with Student Surveys!

June 16, 2015

You’re in the home stretch! The last week or so of the school year is finally here, and we bet you’re running out of ideas to keep the kids occupied. One of the best ways to make the most of your last few days in the classroom is by taking some time to reflect on the past year with your students. We suggest you do this with a student survey, that way, each student can express how they felt about the school year, point out anything they struggled with, and make suggestions for the future. After all, they are your largest customer base!

Without further ado, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to present and analyze a student survey before the summer break begins:

iStock_000002436923_LargeCreate your student survey. You don’t have to make it too long or in depth, but be sure to hit the main points. As a teacher, you’ll want to know certain things, like: What was your favorite lesson? On a scale of 1-5, how well do you think I did teaching math, english, science, etc.? What would you have liked to do more of? List at least two ways that I can improve. Ask whatever you might be curious to learn about, but try to keep it to one page in length.

Review how to give positive feedback, and deliver the survey. After a whole year of hanging on their teacher’s every word, it’s sometimes difficult for students to grasp the concept that it’s okay to give honest feedback. Explain to your students how important constructive criticism is and give examples on how to properly review. Remind them that everyone learns differently, so it’s perfectly fine if something did not work for them, but it’s important that they let you know so you can take their advice into account for future students.

Collect and analyze your survey data. Kriscia Cabral, a teacher and blogger for, suggests listing out the results under three different categories:

1. What did you do well?
2. What were the common suggestions from students?
3. What can you do to improve?

Once you’ve listed out all of your data, take the summer to review and reconstruct your teaching strategies for the upcoming school year. Kriscia uses this goal-planning template to organize her thoughts while reviewing and planning for the future.

While you’re strategizing for the next school year, take notice of the condition of your classroom furniture, as you may be due for an upgrade!

Quality, comfortable, fully-functioning classroom furniture has just as much of an impact on a student’s learning environment as the lessons that they are being taught. If you want to help your students stay focused next year, call Nickerson Corporation at 631-666-0200 and we’ll replace or repair whatever needs fixing!