August 6, 2014
While the calendar says it’s still summer vacation, the first day of school is approaching sooner than you think! For teachers, that means it’s time to start thinking about how will you design and set up your classroom. When it comes to organizing, furnishing and decorating your classroom, there are many things you should consider in order to get the most out of your space. Further, since classroom setups seem to have an effect on how well students retain information, it’s important to keep your students in mind when you finally decide exactly where you will position desks, bulletin boards, reading stations and more.
Are you beginning to think about how you will set up your classroom so that it’s ready for fall? The following are a few things you should consider when figuring out how you will use your classroom’s space:
1. Be sure to position desks in an area of the classroom that has more than enough lighting. This will ensure that students are able to see what they’re working on without having to strain their eyes. If you notice that your room does not have adequate lighting, consider furnishing it with floor lamps or speak to school administrators about replacing your current bulbs with brighter ones.
2. Assess your classroom’s walls in order to determine how will you hang up charts and bulletin boards. The material that your walls are made from could have a significant impact on how easy or hard it is to hang decorations or other learning tools.
3. Scan the room for any organizing opportunities. This means looking for shelves, closets and storage cabinets that both you and your students can utilize.
4. Ask yourself if you plan to have stations where students can gather to read or engage in other educational activities. If the answer is yes, take a look around your classroom to find the best space where you can add some carpet or chairs that students can enjoy rather than having to sit on the cold tile floor.
5. Take a look at the furniture that’s already been given to you. Are the desks round? Square? Connected to one another? The shape and size of your chairs and desks must be considered in order to create a comfortable environment for students.
If you notice that your classroom is lacking the furniture you need to set up a successful work space, contact Nickerson Corporation! We have been supplying educational furniture and equipment for over 60 years and we pride ourselves on our ability to supply classroom furniture that helps create a positive classroom environment. From desks and chairs to chalkboards/whiteboards and storage cabinets, we supply it all!
For more information on our products and how we can help, give us a call at (631) 666-0200 today!