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While many teachers use the summer to kick back and relax, others are busy training, researching and preparing ideas for their first day in the classroom. For many first year teachers, the months leading up to the first day of school can be scary and stressful since it is only a matter of time until they enter an unfamiliar environment where they are expected to perform. Starting their first year doesn’t need to be a nerve-wracking experience, instead, it should be an exciting one! If you’re a first year teacher feeling a bit overwhelmed about the upcoming school year, check out these tips that can help make your year be a successful one:
Build relationships with your colleagues, students and students’ families. Networking is crucial for success, so make an effort to get to know those around you from day one and encourage them to get to know you!
Always communicate with your students and their families. Communication is key to create a positive environment and is likely to make students feel comfortable with you as their teacher. In addition to communicating with students, make sure you also provide parents with a list of ways they can contact you so that you are all on the same page when it comes to their child’s education.
Don’t be afraid to ask others for help. Turning to experienced teachers for guidance is one of the best ways to learn both the formal and informal rules of your district, and they can also help you feel more comfortable in your new role.
Keep an open mind and accept suggestions from both your co-teachers and administrators. After all, they are the ones who are going to help you grow as a teacher.
Be willing to share ideas and collaborate with other teachers in your grade level. By sharing resources and participating in discussions, you are bound to find new ideas and techniques that can benefit you in your own classroom.
Go on Pinterest and look for creative ways to teach lesson plans. Be sure to check out our “Tools for Schools” board.
If you’re about to start your first year as a teacher, you’re probably also thinking about how you’ll set up your classroom come fall. That’s where we come in! At Nickerson Corporation, we supply educational furniture and equipment that are designed to promote a successful learning atmosphere. From desks and chairs to storage and casework, we work with innovative manufacturers in our field to supply top of the line products to schools. For more information on how we can help, contact us today at (631) 666-0200!