January 5, 2017
Every teacher knows the hardest part of teaching isn’t the curriculum , it’s keeping the class engaged and well-behaved. This can be especially difficult during the winter when kids are cooped up in the classroom all day. If you’re trying to work on your classroom management in the New Year, here are a few tips that might help.
Every few hours, get the class up and lead a group stretch. Sitting in the same spot for hours can make it easy for kids to get distracted or act out. Just a few minutes of exercise can rejuvenate a classroom and get them back on track.
If your school doesn’t host a “meet the teacher” night, have your own. When parents and teachers are equally involved in a student’s schooling, kids are more likely to get good grades and pay attention in class. If you can’t meet with parents in person, call or send letters home when kids misbehave and when they are exceptionally well-behaved.
Sometimes the best way to break through the noise and clutter is not to be the loudest, but the quietest. Instead of getting the class’s attention by yelling, start talking softly at the front of the room. You’ll be surprised how many kids quickly notice and start trying to listen.
Even if the option is between two different pages for homework, giving kids the opportunity to pick their assignments makes them feel like they chose to do it, rather than they are being forced to do it.
If you have a chaotic class, make your days regular and predictable. When students know a break or their favorite subject is coming up next, they’re more likely to pay attention to the rest of that lesson.
Every class is going to have their off days. Instead of getting aggravated by one or two hard days, remind yourself of all the reasons why you got into teaching in the first place. When you get to school, calmly tell your students their behavior the other day upset you, but you want to start fresh today.
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