September 2, 2016
As a teacher of students who are coming to school for the first time, it’s important for you to establish a rapport with their parents as they begin their transition into the education system. Many parents might be apprehensive about how their child will perform and how they will react to this new routine. Here are some tips to share with these parents on how to make their child’s entrance into the school world a smooth one:
They should:
- Visit their local library during a storytime session. This will get their child used to hearing someone other than their family members read to them.
- Establish a routine of going to bed early and waking up early on the weekends to help keep them on schedule throughout the year.
- Make sure their child is comfortable with letting a teacher or teacher’s aide know that they have to use the bathroom. Communication is key in creating a safe and nurturing space for students to grow and feel comfortable.
- Include their child in the school supply selection process. Let them pick out their own backpack and lunchbox to make them feel part of the prep and to create some excitement.
- Share stories with them about when they went to school. Students feel more at ease if they know that this is something that mommy or daddy did.
- If their child hasn’t been cared for by others, they may want to leave them for short periods of time with a trusted babysitter or family member. They’ll feel more secure when they see that you always come back for them.
- Remember that separation is a process and it is normal if their child needs a little bit of time to get comfortable with their new situation. Teachers are here to be supportive and loving and will certainly give a little TLC to any students feeling apprehensive or sad in the beginning of the year.
Do you have any back to school tips that you would like to share with us? Let us know on our Facebook page!
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