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Month: January 2016

Use The Super Bowl As a Teaching Tool

January 29, 2016

Super Bowl Sunday is about a week way, which means there’s plenty of time for you to incorporate some fun, football related activities into your lesson plans for next week. After all, with all the buzz about the big game that will be floating around the classroom, the best way to catch and keep your…

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Why Now is The Best Time to Plan School Renovations

January 27, 2016

For most schools, large renovation projects are usually carried out during the summer months when students and faculty are on vacation. This makes it easier for work to be completed more quickly and efficiently, as the school does not have to worry about maintaining building functionality during construction. So, now that you know when your…

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Give Classroom Germs the Boot With These Tips

January 21, 2016

Cold and flu season is upon us and catching a bug is especially dangerous in the classroom. With all those tiny hands and runny noses in such a small space, one sneeze can be enough to get the whole class sick in! That’s why it’s so important that you employ these simple tips to keep…

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Quick Fixes for a Wobbly Desk

January 19, 2016

There’s nothing worse for students and teachers alike than trying to take notes and pay attention while your desk is wobbling way. A teetering table can be caused by a few different factors, but either way it’s definitely a huge distraction that can hinder a student’s ability to focus and learn. If some of your…

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Learning Zones: The Key to Classroom Organization

January 13, 2016

When it comes to creating a functioning classroom atmosphere, organization is key. Remember that while keeping your lesson plans neat and your classroom tidy is important, it’s not the only way to retain organization! The classroom space itself must be set up in such a way that it fosters a positive and stimulating learning environment….

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Expand Your Classroom Library for the New Year

January 11, 2016

New year, new novels! Turn the page on last year’s lineup and get ready to restock your shelves with some new and exciting titles. Here’s a list of some great new classroom books that are soon to be hot off the press: The Knowing Book by Rebecca Kai Dotlich – This book is great for…

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Furnish a Child’s Education With These Great Options

January 8, 2016

As you know, though traditional methods of teaching might work for many students, they certainly won’t work for all. Well, the same idea can be applied when it comes to choosing traditional furniture options over more up-and-coming ones! If you’re looking to break free of conventional constraints and furnish your students’ education with a more…

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Motivate Your Students to Get Fit in 2016

January 5, 2016

As each new year begins many find themselves creating lavish fitness goals and resolutions with only the best intentions, but then not being able to follow through with them. While you may have found yourself in a similar scenario before, remember that it’s likely your students have as well! Besides academics, one of the most…

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