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Bay Shore, NY 11706
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Three Must-Haves For The Classroom

November 11, 2014

In order to create a positive, stimulating learning environment for students, there are several items that every classroom must possess. Though these items may vary based on the academic level that you teach, there are a few basic essentials that across the board, all classrooms need to aid students in their education. But what exactly are they? See below for three of our favorite classroom must-haves:

  • iStock_000017009676_LargeA selection of traditional school supplies such as pens, pencils, markers and erasers. You can never have enough writing utensils for you and your students!
  • Filing cabinets or other storage solutions. Without adequate storage, it can be very easy for your classroom to become disorganized, which can make both teaching and learning difficult.
  • A classroom library. Incorporating books, magazines and news articles into your classroom is one of the best ways to encourage students to dig deeper into their studies during their free time. Further, you might find that one of your reading materials is exactly what you need to get through one of your lessons – even when you didn’t prepare for it!

In addition to these basic school supplies, having the right furniture in your classroom is essential for you to be able to provide the best education to your students. This is where we come in! Here at Nickerson Corporation, we supply a variety of classroom furniture products that are comfortable, reliable and flexible to help you create the best educational environment possible. From traditional classroom furniture such as desks and chairs to library furniture, food courts, whiteboards and more, we have a selection of products that can aid in every aspect of a child’s education.

For more information on our products or to learn how we can help, please give us a call at (631) 666-0200 today!